Monday, December 31, 2012

9 Most Popular Posts of 2012

1. Why are Kipping Pull-ups Causing Shoulder Injuries and What Can We Do About It?

Apparently kipping pull-ups are a hot topic.  I put my thoughts out there about the dangers of kipping pull-ups and provide some practical and evidence based solutions for coaches and trainers in order to use them effectively.

2. Knee Pain: How The FootHip and Core Effect The Knee: Intro

This one is a mammoth and one of the very first article series I ever wrote.  Needless to say I've got a soft spot for this series, right next to my tender place for deadlifts, loud techno and butterflies.

3. Bicep Tendon Tears: How to Prevent a Biceps Tear Part 1Part 2

Having competed in strongman for several years I found a large group of athletes who sustained biceps tendon ruptures.  Given that strongman is such a small niche sport there isn't a lot of literature out there about prevention and rehabilitation of these injuries.  I dove into the literature, interviews a few athletes with these injuries and tried to come up with some practical prevention and rehab strategies.

4. The Dreaded ACL Tear: Rehab Protocols from JOSPT and Solutions for Coaches and Trainers

When I first wrote this article, ACL tears were a bit of a newer, hot topic to hear about.  Now it seems like the topic has been discussed ad nauseam.  Here is an article summarizing rehab protocols from the Journal of Orthopaedic and Sports Physical Therapy.

5. Stretches and Mobility Drills to Prepare for The Overhead Squat and Snatch

Another oldie, but goodie.  The most simple and effective mobility exercises to improve your snatch and overhead squat.  I didn't realize how fast I was talking when doing these videos, it's almost like I took a shot of adrenaline to the Inferior Vena Cava before taping.

6. 5 Unique Ways to Save Your Shoulders When Bench Pressing

Great article written by Rob Rowland DPT.  The title says it all.  It uses an evidence based approach to provide practical solutions to benching and shoulder pain.

7. Shoulder Impingement Series: Part 1Part 2Part 3

This may have been my most heavily researched and time consuming (not to mention ongoing) article series.  I still have some work to do with this one.  having several shoulder injuries makes the shoulder a favorite joint of mine to write about.  Shoulder impingement might be the most common injury we see in the fitness setting.  This series goes in depth in explaining the phenomenon.

8. Shoulder Packing: What is it?  How do we do it? How can we use it to Make Crossfit Safer?

What the hell is shoulder packing?  Gray Cook and Bret Jones were the first to introduce me to this topic.  It's a widely debated topic for shoulder health.  Should we pack?  Should we not pack?  The jury's still out for this one but it's definitely an interesting idea.

9. Is Overhead Pressing Destroying Your Shoulders?

The hell if I know.  Just kidding.  Try the evaluation contained in the article.  Clean up your mobility and improve your efficiency with overhead pressing.  Nuff said.

Hope you enjoyed 2012.  Here's to another year of furious blogging, deadlifts and pain free fitness.  What would you like to hear about in 2013?


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